Compare Hong Kong Data Centres

Hong Kong Data Centers are growing rapidly every year. Hundreds of Rack Spaces are setup every month. How do I know if a Data Center is suitable for me?

Tier 3 & Multi-homed

For a secure and reliable data center, Tier 3 seems to be the basic standard in Hong Kong. For your crucial application in Data Center, redundancy is simply fundamental. So, you need two sources of Power, Air Conditioning, Internet, etc. to avoid down time.

99.99% Uptime

A good Data Center can maintain 99.9% or above uptime for the power and internet. All your work reduces to maintaining your hardware and software only. Simply require Rack Space, Power and possibly IP with internet from Data Centers. You are good to lay back with these.

Location in Hong Kong

Data Centers rarely locate too close to MTR stations as the space required for a data center is massive leading to a high cost if the location is too desirable. You can choose one that is convenient for the company to travel to in case there is an emergency. Kowloon, TKO and Hong Kong Island are having lots of choices.

 Our Comparisons

Our Comparisons

Data Centre Review has researched into over 50 data centers in Hong Kong. We look into a few points and list them out here for customers to consider. No matter you are looking for 1U server colocation or 100 racks rental, there will be something suitable for you.

Data Center Review Team

Ada Leung
Ada Leung
Data Center Expert
Shelly Holmes
Shelly Holmes
Account Manager
Linda Cheung
Linda Cheung
Business Development Manager

Compared Data Centers in Hong Kong

There are 5 data centers being compared in Hong Kong. Their advantages and disadvantages will be listed out one by one. The comparisons will be about space, power, bandwidth, ip, carriers, cross connect, contract, support, etc.

Dont know which to choose? Talk to our experts now!

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